Interested in working together? Click here to tell me a little about your project. If it seems like I might be the right person for the job, I will ask for a sample of the material (30 - 40 pages) for a quick review. Then we can set up a time for a brief phone call or Skype session to discuss the editorial process and to establish a fee. There is no charge for this initial consultation. The services I offer include:
Everyone needs an editor. Whether you have written a first novel or your third book of non-fiction, your manuscript will benefit from having been professionally edited. As an editorial consultant, I provide a range of services from feedback on a macro level to a line-by-line edit.
Book Doctoring
You have turned in your manuscript and the publisher wants extensive changes, massive cuts, or a complete restructuring. Whether the issues are large or small, we will work together to satisfy the publisher's concerns while maintaining the integrity of your work.
Proposal and Manuscript Evaluation
You feel as if you have given blood to create your book proposal or manuscript but wonder if there is more that could be done to make the project sing. Maybe you are simply out of ideas (or energy). Here my role would be to read the material closely and offer a fresh perspective -- as well as specific editorial suggestions.